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"Education made simple!"
- Strategic school improvement solutions
- Leadership coaching & support
- Bespoke training & development
- SEND training & support
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With 25 years of education experience, I specialise in developing systems and structures for effective school improvement, leadership training & development and Head Teacher mentoring and support.
I guide and challenge school leaders, enabling them to reflect, stay focussed and perform to the best of their ability.
Before The SEND Lady there was a huge gap in support for children, young people and their families living with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. I have worked across education and social care for over 10 years, during which time i have developed my own knowledge and experience and created a range of detailed support packages and training courses aimed to offer an in depth understanding into the world of SEND.
Understanding the impact of having a child with complex needs can often be unintentionally overlooked and difficult to relate to. their daily challenges have longstanding effects on the child, their parents and of course, any siblings. Sometimes as professionals, we can underestimate our ability to make real, effective changes in the lives of these children - to really understand the needs of the individual and be as inclusive as we can - but how can we do that?
This is where The SEND Lady can help. My aim is to improve outcomes for children, young people and families living with SEND through providing specialist training and support for schools. i offer bespoke, hands on support which equips professionals with the confidence and skills to become knowledgeable SEND practitioners with a passion to removing barriers to learning and development for children.
Full Day Courses
Online sessions and bespoke packages are also available.
Includes 3 x full day visits per year focussed on an area of your choosing eg data; an aspect of your school improvement plan; validation of self evaluation etc. You will receive a comprehensive report of the visit, including questions to challenge your thinking and recommendations for next steps.
Cost - £1800.00 plus VAT
Includes a half day pre-meet with the Head Teacher followed by a 2 hour review and planning meeting with Governors. Paperwork includes a review of previous targets; recommendation to Governors on new targets and a new plan, complete with success criteria and monitoring arrangements.
Cost - £650.00 plus VAT
Includes 6 x 1 hour sessions focussing on an area of your choosing. These can be condensed into a half term, or spread over a term or even a full year. You will get a confidential report after each session summarising the issue, possible ways forward (as discussed in the session) and points for reflection. Cost - £600.00 plus VAT
A full day review of Teaching & Learning in your school. This can either be to obtain a general overview of strengths and areas for development, or focus in on a particular aspect of school improvement. You will receive a comprehensive report detailing the findings of the review as well as recommendations for next steps. Cost - £950.00 plus VAT
New Head Teacher support
An individualised package of support for new Head Teachers which may include support on day to day organisation; accountability structures; budget management; monitoring & evaluation; resilience etc.
Staff & Governor training and support
A bespoke package of training and support for staff at any level. For example Subject Leaders; Vision & Values; Monitoring & Evaluation etc. These can be “one off” training sessions or an ongoing package to last a term or longer.
SEF & SDP support
I will evaluate your SEF in preparation for OFSTED or simply support you and your leadership team in writing an effective document. Similarly with your School Development Plan.
All training is offered to be delivered in school or setting for a full day.
Regardless of the number of delegate (max 20), the cost remains the same.
A full day's course is charged at £500.00 per day plus VAT - approximately £25.00 per head!
A free 30 minute consultation is available prior to booking, if required.
“As a new headteacher I have found the support and guidance offered by Clare extremely valuable. Her questioning, challenge and support has been particularly useful during my induction period. Clare has offered clear strategic support with regards data, EYFS and staffing. Working with Clare has helped ensure that not only has the school continued to move forward but that there has been a smooth transition from the previous leadership to the present.”
Head Teacher Whitefield Primary School
“Clare has been a great support to the school and particularly to the leadership team. She has conducted structured SIP meetings with agendas defined by the LA but she has also conducted a variety of support days specific to the needs of the school. Clare is an excellent 'critical friend' she is able to listen and give advice based on her own experiences as well as being able to ask challenging and thought provoking questions.”
Head Teacher Springside Primary School
“During what has been the most difficult year of my career, Clare helped me to focus and see the wood for the trees when it felt like chaos reigned! When everything felt like a priority, the coaching helped me to work out what really mattered. Through her ability to listen, reframe my thoughts and offer questions that made me reflect and work through issues in a structured way, Clare kept me in the job - one which I love, but had temporarily fallen out of love with.”
Head Teacher Lowercroft Primary School
“Clare is an inspiration and has had widespread impact across the Federation. She has supported and challenged my work as an NLE, which not only developed my leadership skills, but raised standards across multiple schools. Any school working with Clare will undoubtedly develop in all areas.”
Director of Education, Blessed Christopher Warton CAT
I will be here for you every step of the way. I will work with you and your school to plan and deliver the next steps of your educational improvement journey.
I offer a complimentary one-hour service to go over how we can potentially meet your needs. This can be face to face, or remote, depending on your preference. After this initial consultation, I follow up with an appropriate recommendation regarding which package is best for you and your school.
If you have a requirement that you do not see listed, I would be happy to discuss further to design a bespoke package that will meet your needs.